BOTH COURSES ARE OPEN. Hole 11 is shut until further notice.

Thursday 22nd June saw the playing of the inaugural Ian Symington Memorial Trophy at Aldeburgh Golf Club. The match was decided by two teams playing Foursomes stableford over 18 holes. One team chosen by our RM, Mr Gary Smith, and one by our Captain, Mr Scott Clark. The resulting winning team with the highest aggregate points was the team of Scott Clark.

As our first opportunity , as a group to remember a very special person, this turned out to be a very special day with reminiscences from members, the most moving from John Barnard, who spent a great deal of time with Ian.
The day was bathed in sunshine, the course magnificent and the hospitality of David and his team exemplary.
For all that attended it was a very special day paying respect to a very special gentleman.

Gary Smith, Regional Manager, GCMA